- Relational Filmmaking Manifesto by Julie Perini
- JAWA Manifesto by Tasman Richardson
- Interview with Michael Robinson by Cat Tyc
- Mike Maryniuk: Prairie Landfill Surrealist by Dave Barber
- Notes on 1919 by Noam Gonick
- What is an Archive? by Ryan Tebo
- Overall view drawings by Jenny Perlin
- Interview with Cory Arcangel by Walter Forsberg
- On Glitching and Ceibas Cycle diagram by Evan Meaney
- Everyday Ethics by Brittany Shoot
- Interview with Aleesa Cohene by Brett Kashmere
- Stan Brakhage Visionary Title Generator by Michael Betancourt
- Interview with Bruce Conner (on Arthur Lipsett) by Amelia Does
- Representing the Unrepresentable: Bruce Conner’s Crossroads & the Nuclear Sublime
by William C. Wees
- The Unstable Eye: Paolo Gioli’s Film Practice Seen through Paul Virilio by Bart Testa
- FILM IS…NOT FILM by Sandra Gibson and Luis Recoder
Plus films and videos by Noam Gonick, Jason Orman, Bryan Konefsky, Nicola Bergstrom & Valdemar Lindekrantz, Tasman Richardson, Simon Aeppli, Penny Lane & Jessica Bardsley, Jo SiMalaya Alcampo, Evan Meaney, Philip Widmann and a video-game by I LOVE PRESETS!
Thanks to INCITE Editor, Brett Kashmere.