What Happens When A Community Worker Goes to Art School?
Friday Dec 12, 2008, 12-1 PM
Centre for Women's Studies in Education
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
at the University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West, Rm 2-227
This talk will share how a mature student with no previous arts education has navigated institutional learning, coped with a lack of cultural representation, found mentors, elders, and guides, and strives to create work that honours memory, history and the struggle for justice.
Jo SiMalaya Alcampo has been a frontline community worker with diverse groups including immigrant women, queer youth, consumer/survivors of the mental health system, and migrant domestic workers. Her first video "i am good inside" received the Mikey/Shmikey Audience Award for Best Short Film or Video at the Inside Out Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival. In 2007, she received the Mark S. Bonham Scholarship for Queer Studies in Film & Video and a National Millennium Scholarship.
Jo is currently studying Photography and Integrated Media at OCAD.
FREE. Everyone welcome. Wheelchair accessible. Bring your lunch!
More information: [email protected] or call 416-978-2080
Special thanks to Pam Patterson, CWSE